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2022 Star Women in Grocery winner Chantal Decarie (Q&A)

Store Level Star
Chantal Decarie

Chantal Decarie

Store Manager
Metro Ontario, Chapman Mills, Ottawa


How did you get into the grocery business?

I got into the grocery business in 1990, when I was 16 years old, and never left. I started part-time in the deli department at LOEB when I was living in Gatineau, Que. Ten years later, I moved to Ontario and started my career at Metro as a deli manager. In 2011, I was promoted to assistant store manager. Since 2014, I have been store manager at four Metro stores, including my current location in Chapman Mills.

What are some of your greatest achievements?

My achievements started at LOEB when I won “Deli Manager of the Year” in 2005. And in my career as store manager at Metro, I won the “Most Improved Store Operation” award in 2018, just six months after being transferred to a new store location.

What are your strongest qualities?

Some of my strongest qualities are having integrity and a strong work ethic. I’m open to the opinions of others, willing to try new ideas, and supportive of new initiatives. I think my colleagues would add I’m never afraid to go above and beyond for my customers or my team.

How would you describe your leadership style?

I would describe my leadership style as being direct and leading by example, fostering a mutual respect with the employees in the store, and encouraging those who want to advance in the company. I am always available for open discussion with any employee that requires my time.

What is the biggest challenge you faced?

Personally, in 2016, I was diagnosed with stage-four cancer. I was off work for 10 months while I fought for my life. Professionally, my biggest challenge was working through the pandemic and adapting to a different way of doing business.

What is your proudest moment?

My proudest moment was kicking cancer to the curb! My proudest moments professionally are when I see employees I have guided and mentored succeed and advance in their careers. Many of Metro’s rising stars have worked with me as either clerks or department managers. I’m also proud of the support and confidence shown in me along the way while I advanced in my own career.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I enjoy spending quality time with my son, especially since I didn’t know if I would see him grow up. I also enjoy relaxing in my backyard, and I have discovered a love for travelling and to just enjoy life.

Click here for the full list of 2022 Star Women in Grocery award winners.

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