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2023 Star Women in Grocery Award Winner Marie Yong (Q&A)

Senior-Level Star
Kristin Laird
Marie Yong
Marie Yong

Marie Yong

Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer
Aisle 24

What inspired you to launch Aisle24? 

I’ve always had an entrepreneurial drive and spirit. Aisle24 was born from my husband and business partner John Douang’s background in technology, merged with his family’s previous convenience store experience.

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your career? 

My biggest challenge as an entrepreneur has been to keep the faith when all seems to fail. Just like any human being, it is difficult to go all in without the assurance of a return in sight. But, sometimes in entrepreneurship just like in life, the climb is the hardest at the peak of the mountain. You just need to keep that faith and passion ignited to power through and reach the top.

What keeps you motivated at work?

What keeps me motivated is my dedication and commitment to those who work alongside me, but most importantly the example I want to set for my children.

Proudest moment? 

My proudest moment was when we granted our 100th franchise. It’s one thing to believe in what you do, but it’s a whole other feeling when the world believes alongside you.

What is the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received?

That failure is a natural part of growth. It’s never about not failing or not making mistakes; it’s about how fast you can pick yourself up and learn to be better.

What is a fun fact about you? 

I may be small, but I can out eat anyone! I’m a big foodie at heart.

Click here for the full list of 2023 Star Women in Grocery award winners.

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