2024 Generation Next winner Allyson Fenton (Q&A)
Allyson Fenton
Senior Manager, Costco Innovation, Bimbo Canada
Allyson Fenton is the first-ever marketer at Bimbo Canada to lead innovations for Costco Canada.
“We created the role for myself to solely be focused on Costco, to give it the energy it deserved,” says Fenton, who has been senior manager, Costco innovation since 2021.
By introducing products and innovations and keeping older products fresh through promotions or new packaging, Bimbo has achieved double-digit, year-over-year sales growth at Costco. “We’ve had great success with Costco, but Costco itself has done really well. It’s a win-win.”
Since beginning her career at Bimbo in 2007, Fenton has helped launch more than 50 products, including the 2013 introduction of Dempster’s/POM Garden Vegetable bread, the first bread in Canada to provide half a serving of vegetables per slice. The product greatly outperformed initial projections and has expanded to other formats.
Fenton sees herself continuing in the marketing world. “I’m very interested in general consumer behaviour—why we make the decisions that we do and how we as marketers can influence in a positive way.”
See the full list of Generation Next 2024 winners profiles.
Profiles were first published in the December 2024 issue of Canadian Grocer