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2024 Star Women in Grocery Award Winner Rebecca Cocklin (Q&A)

Shining-Level Star
Kristin Laird
2024 star women
Rebecca Cocklin

Rebecca Cocklin

Senior Manager Loyalty Insights & Analytics

How did you get your start in the grocery/CPG business?

While studying marketing at the University of Guelph I had the privilege to join Loblaw as a summer student in my third year. I had the incredible opportunity to work on merging PC Plus and Shoppers Optimum into the [loyalty] program we now know as PC Optimum. I dove right in and led different UAT [user acceptance testing] and lent a hand wherever I could. After finishing my degree, I was offered a full-time position as an analyst at Loblaw. I've been fortunate to have grown alongside the program over the last seven years, now leading PC Optimum in the super market division.

What keeps you motivated at work?

My incredible team keeps me motivated and excited. They value collaboration and personal growth while being passionate about customer loyalty. I'm also lucky to have inspiring leaders who consistently motivate and support me both personally and professionally. With their support, I've been able to coach other colleagues, while remaining focused on the development and growth of my team so we can win together.

What do you like most about your job? 

In my role, I have the privilege of owning and driving the PC Optimum program. From initial ideas to tangible loyalty offers in our stores, I witness the transformation firsthand; whether it unfolds over months or just days. It is incredibly rewarding to see customers engage with these offers in real-time and I feel a sense of accomplishment as these ideas come to life. Working alongside talented colleagues from across the enterprise has also provided valuable insights into the scale and scope of our organization.

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What is the biggest challenge you have faced in your career? How did you overcome it?

Overcoming imposter syndrome is a constant challenge in my career, as it is for many others–especially women. I first doubted my abilities when looking for a job after graduation. However, landing a great opportunity with Loblaw proved my worries were unwarranted. As I progressed in my career, feelings of being an imposter intensified. Working diligently and appearing prepared masked these underlying insecurities. The pressure to be perfect and seeking constant feedback fueled my self-doubt. I recognized this pattern years later and researched and discussed imposter syndrome with others to gain further understanding and support from those around me. Reminding myself of my expertise and dedication has helped combat these feelings, but it remains an ongoing journey of improvement. 

What is the most challenging aspect of your job?

While the people I work with are the most motivating part of my job, managing stakeholder relationships can sometimes present challenges. As a support function for merchandising teams, I collaborate with diverse individuals across the enterprise. Aligning and coordinating with different styles and personalities has challenged me to become more adaptable and agile in my work.

What career advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self that mistakes are part of the learning process. In my early days at Loblaw, I made some typical mistakes that I’m sure others likely made, too. I was so scared of these mistakes, but my manager taught me the value of not dwelling on them. Instead, it was crucial to focus on how I responded, learned and grew from those experiences. Shifting from a negative mindset to viewing mistakes as opportunities for growth became key in shaping my perspective for the future.

What is a fun fact about you?

For our long-awaited honeymoon, my husband and I are planning on going to southern France. While we eagerly anticipate this trip, we acknowledge our Grade 9 French skills may not be sufficient. Between now and then, we are going to take some French classes together. I am looking forward to travelling outside of North America for the first time!

Click here for the full list of 2024 Star Women in Grocery award winners.

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