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2024 Star Women in Grocery Award Winner Wendy McRae (Q&A)

Store-Level Star
2024 star women
Wendy McRae

Wendy McRae

Store Manager 
Metro Ontario 

How did you get your start in the grocery business?

I was actively seeking employment by “hitting the pavement” (yes, walking to locations with a resume and a smile) and found myself in a quaint mall where, at the time, a Dominion grocery store stood. I eagerly found an employee and without hesitation asked if they were hiring. The employee responded with, “Yes, come back in two hours for an interview.” Fast forward 25 years later, that “yes” has led me to such great accomplishments, and I have never looked back.

What do you like best about your job? 

First and foremost, the best part of the job are the relationships that I have built throughout the years and continue to build with our customers, employees and colleagues, vendors as well as senior management. I cannot stress enough that this truly is your “family” away from family and for this, I am grateful. 

Tell us about a big challenge you faced as a store manager and how you overcame it.  

The greatest challenge for me has always been having to introduce myself to a new store team and then having to, sometime later, say “goodbye” to lead a new team within Metro. It is always a challenge to arrive at a store as a fresh-faced manager wanting to successfully lead and engage a team who does not know you. But once you start to gain momentum and align to the company’s vision, you cannot help but get excited as goals are achieved one by one. It is absolutely rewarding to recognize the team and their accomplishments. When the journey directs to relocating to another store, that is when the goodbyes are the biggest challenge. I have learned over time that saying “thank you” instead to a store team overcomes the challenge of a goodbye.

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Describe your leadership style or philosophy. 

My leadership style has always been firm but fair. I lead a team with clear communication (my husband often says I talk too much, and I would agree!), integrity and consistency. I believe transparency is also key when it comes to team development that, in turn, effortlessly builds trust. My philosophy has always been to lead by example, recognize and develop the success of others and, of course, motivate and inspire your team to continue their own path of achievements.

What keeps you motivated at work?

My motivation at work constantly revolves around my passion for leading, teaching and developing employees within the store team. By showing employees how important obtaining new knowledge, skills and engaging in their own personal development is, they will see the potential of successfully growing a career within Metro.  

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I love a real-life murder mystery! If you ask my family, they will tell you that I should have been a criminal investigator. I also enjoy the water—if it includes swimming, kayaking or deep-sea exploring, I’m in! 

Anything else to add? 

You are your biggest advocate, so continue to self-develop! Ask questions, take on new responsibilities and challenges, and always communicate your goals and aspirations to your manager. Communication is key to achieving success! 

Click here for the full list of 2024 Star Women in Grocery award winners.

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