Announcing Canadian Grocer's new green conference
Sustainability is the big issue of our times and few industries are being impacted as much by it as the grocery business.
To help understand what is occurring now in the green space, Canadian Grocer is launching a new conference.
The Commitment to Sustainability Conference in September will feature top speakers from the grocery and manufacturing world who are working to make their operations greener.
Among the participants: David Smith, the vice-president of retail strategy and sustainability at Sobeys, and Steven Sage, VP of sustainability and innovation at Kruger Products.
Sage will discuss results of a round table and research done in conjunction with Canadian Grocer on the green consumer.
Smith will look at sustainability and the grocery business. He will also sit in on a unique sustainability panel with Tim Brown, the president of Nestle, John Coyne, VP and general counsel at Unilever, and Bob Chant, senior VP of corporate affairs and communication at Loblaw Companies.
Also on the agenda: a special look at one of the emerging green topics: water conservation. Anthony Watanabe, president of Innovolve Group, will explain how this issue is affecting the grocery and consumer packaged goods industry.
The Commitment to Sustainability Conference takes place the morning of Sept. 20 at the International Centre in Mississauga, Ont.
To register for this important conference or get more information, click here.
The Commitment to Sustainability Conference is sponsored by Unilever, Bullfrog Power, Dana Industries, Nielsen, RBC, Stratos and Ultima Foods.