Blender Bites partners with Julianne Hough ahead of U.S. expansion
Actress and performer Julianne Hough has signed on as a brand partner, shareholder and strategic advisor with Vancouver, B.C.-based Blender Bites as the company prepares for its U.S. product launch later this year.
Hough will be an active participant in the strategic marketing for the organic and plant-based frozen foods company.
She will collaborate with founder and CEO Chelsie Hodge in the creation and development of new product innovation, including an official product launch of the new collaboration.
“I am so thrilled to be joining Chelsie and her innovative team at Blender Bites,” Hough said in a statement. “I am personally a huge fan of the brand and am excited to be taking on this larger role within the company. Their mission and intention of creating a clean, sustainable product without compromising nutritional value and convenience is something that truly aligns with my own lifestyle and routine. Their functional smoothie innovations are a game changer and make me feel energized every time, whether I’m about to take on my next workout or during a busy morning. I can’t wait for this product to come to the U.S. and to continue to create with this team as I expand my entrepreneurial footprint.”
As a shareholder, Hough will offer strategic counsel and creative insight on product development.
“I couldn’t be more thrilled to have Julianne join the Blender Bites team as a voice for the brand, a partner and a shareholder. The company has done an incredible job the past year working with our broker team to line up multiple large U.S. retail opportunities, and I truly believe Jules has the perfect platform for us to market the product to all of Canada and the U.S.. Jules is more than an entertainer, she is also an entrepreneur, and I’m incredibly excited to work with her on bringing this brand to new heights,” Hodge said in a press release.