Canadian Grocer opens submissions for summer photo contest!
Canadian Grocer is calling on food retailers to share their best summertime shots for the chance to get featured on and in the September/October edition of the magazine.
Grocers big and small across the country can submit their favourite pictures taken this summer – from photo-worthy initiatives to in-store tech, seasonal decor, renovations and more!
Canadian Grocer’s editorial team will select the winning pictures based on originality and quality. Amateurs and professionals alike are encouraged to participate!
This is your chance to show off your store (and photography skills!). See guidelines below to enter. The deadline to submit is August 30, 2024.
Send your photo (or photos) as an email attachment to Canadian Grocer’s digital editor, Jillian Morgan ([email protected]). Use services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or WeTransfer for larger images.
Include the name of the photographer and your company.
Provide names and titles of any individuals featured.
We want to know the story behind your photo! In two to three sentences, provide some details about your submission(s).
Submissions are restricted to Canadian businesses in the grocery industry, and must have been taken in between May 1 to August 12, 2024.
Only enter photos that you own, or have the express permission of the photographer to use.
Submitters must be willing to grant Canadian Grocer non-exclusive rights to reproduce the photos in print and online.
We ask individuals to limit their submissions to a maximum of three photos.
Any questions about the contest or submission process can be directed to Canadian Grocer’s digital editor, Jillian Morgan.