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Canadian Grocer's June-July issue available online!

Working from home?


As we continue to contend with COVID-19, the desire is growing ever stronger for things to get back to normal or at least some semblance of it. Though we may be sick and tired of the virus, it’s clearly not yet finished with us. Normal might be a long way off.

While in the pre-COVID world, creating a compelling in-store experience was a priority for many retailers seeking to stand out from the crowd; today, the shopper experience is being defined by safety concerns and convenience. Writer Rebecca Harris explores this subject in “The new in-store environment.”

Also in this issue, columnists Joel Gregoire (Mintel) and Kathy Perrotta (Ipsos) reveal research on the impact the pandemic is having on how, and what, Canadians eat and how retailers can leverage these changing behaviours.

And managing editor Carol Neshevich looks at centre store’s resurgence. But will this often unloved part of the store’s renewed popularity last post-pandemic? The answer is only a click away!

We also had the opportunity to talk to Metro president and CEO Eric La Flèche for this issue’s cover story. Among the many questions we put to La Flèche was one on the biggest challenge facing the grocery industry. His response? Meeting customers’ changing needs. “It’s always been that way,” he says. “In retail, you have to evolve constantly.”

All this and much more in the June/July issue of Canadian Grocer. Happy reading!

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