Desjardins Securities’ Chris Li sheds light on Canada’s economic recovery
What role does the in-store shopping experience play in all this?
Still, in-store is super important. As good as e-commerce is, there's a lot of services that in-store can provide—that’s going to be a key way to attract people to shop at a particular grocery store. From a promotional perspective, the flyers are still very relevant, the high-low price strategy, the loyalty programs are pillars of the brick-and-mortar model.
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Canada’s major grocery retailers have increased their investment in discount. What’s the role of discount banners?
They have a huge role to play. They provide a good sense of relief for consumers who are struggling. And, the last two or three years, we’ve obviously seen a huge wave of population growth from immigration—I think the discount banner has also played a huge role in making sure there’s enough supply to serve a lot of the increase in population.
Is this strategy sustainable? Will the pendulum swing back to conventional?
I have seen a structural shift towards discount, I would say, ever since Walmart came in. Then, after the great financial crisis in 2009, we’ve seen discount as a percentage of grocery gradually increasing. And I think it’s increasing partly because of immigration and partly because of the propensity for consumers to go after value. Those are structural factors that aren’t going away anytime soon. I think discount will continue to grow—not to say conventional is in a decline. There is a place for conventional because, as you know, there are certain advantages that conventional banners provide that discount doesn’t. When the economy returns, [conventional grocery] will capture some of the lost market share. So, there will be a balanced approach for both.
Where does Canada’s grocery industry go from here?
I don't see any sort of big game changer, to be honest. I feel like it's going to be the same in terms of building on the various platforms they have currently to sell to consumers. So, we mentioned e-commerce. There's probably more room for that model to evolve to get even better from a user perspective. Loyalty is another potential area. Metro, for example, has done some changes to its program, Sobeys as well, and Loblaws always has a strong program. I think there's a lot of potential for them to elevate the game, even on the loyalty side, to be more effective on promotions. Loyalty and e-commerce, I think those are still areas that could evolve and further enhance the experience and be a more important differentiator going forward.
How do you see competition in Canada’s grocery sector evolving?
Going forward, it should be relatively stable. Even though we’re more consolidated than the U.S., overall it is a very competitive market. The risk of Aldi coming in the foreseeable future is low partly because they still have a lot of white space to grow in the U.S. and supply chain wise, it’s very expensive to expand to Canada. So, I see that as a low risk. Though e-commerce has grown, I don’t see that changing in any significant way anytime soon. I don’t get the sense Amazon is ready to expand their grocery offering beyond the dry products they offer now, so that’s also a low risk. I think it’s going to be more or less the same. Of the big three, I don’t think anyone is looking to grow more than 1%.
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What’s stopping foreign players from setting up shop in Canada?
Even though we don't have a hard discount chain like Aldi here, we do have a well-established discount sector with Walmart, No Frills and all those guys. Probably one consideration is that we already have a well-established discount business in Canada. Secondly, again, I think it's the lower population density and the higher cost of supply chain in Canada. Thirdly, as I mentioned, for Aldi there's just more in terms of which markets have better opportunities. I feel like the U.S. is still the one where they'll probably get a higher rate of return versus trying to expand into a new market like Canada.
What challenges could grocers face in the year ahead?
The challenge for grocers is with the inflation now moderating back to 2% to 3%, there’s less pricing to play with. And in an environment where consumers do stretch their dollars, I think grocers need to continue to come up with ways to keep their tonnage and keep their market share in a low inflation environment.
This article was first published in Canadian Grocer’s December 2024/January 2025 issue.