Dubstepping dads featured in Sainbury's latest holiday ad
Dads who dubstep is the theme for Sainsbury's newest family-friendly holiday video.
The U.K retailer released a YouTube video last week featuring a troop of dads in Christmas sweaters performing a routine to a remixed version of the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." The ad promotes the range of Christmas sweaters from Tu, Sainsubry's clothing line.
The ad collected more than one million views in 48 hours, with over 24,000 shares. Quite the positive reception, given the holiday ad Sainsbury's released just over a month ago received approximately 727 complaints from the British public.
The 3-minute, 40-second mini-movie depicted the 1914 Christmas Truce, when soldiers took a few hours to celebrate Christmas in no man's land during World War 1.
The ad below, on the other hand, is pop and locking its way through the holiday season:
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