Metro to issue gift card bonus to workers
Quebec-based grocer joins Sobeys, Dollarama and Walmart Canada in rewarding frontline staff
Metro is the latest food retailer to offer its staff a pandemic bonus.
The grocer, which has stores in Ontario and Quebec, is giving gift cards to 42,000 frontline store and distribution centre employees as a thank you for working through the COVID-19 pandemic.
The gift cards range in value from $75 to $300 depending on the number of hours the employee worked, and can be redeemed at any of the grocer's banners. The gift cards will be issued this month.
Metro joins Walmart Canada, Dollarama and Sobeys in reinstating bonuses and rewards to employees working the frontlines of the pandemic.
Walmart and Dollarama are offering one-time cash bonuses, while Sobeys has reintroduced its so-called hero pay to employees working in lockdown regions.