New Metro deal gives workers stability, pay hike
Metro Ontario and Unifor Local 414 ratified a four-year collective agreement on Thursday night that provides more schedule stability and higher pay for employees of 28 Metro stores in the Greater Toronto Area.
An article in The Toronto Star says the deal will see part-time employees have a guaranteed 15 hours minimum of work each week after one year of service. After eight years of service, that number will increase to 24 hours per week.
Thanks to the deal, unionized worked will receive an extra three days' notice regarding their schedules (so they'll now get their schedules five days in advance).
All workers will also all receive a yearly raise of 25 cents an hour, with base wage rates increasing by larger amounts, and more quickly.
The article quotes Brock University labour studies professor Kendra Coulter: "This agreement looks to have begun a new chapter, particularly for part-time workers who are growing in number, but not always as active or vocal in their unions."
A tentative contract agreement had been struck last week.
For the full article, click here.