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Poll results: Tastes are changing -- is your produce department?

Canadian Grocer readers weigh in on latest online poll

Our food tastes are changing, so we’re told, and we’ve developed an appetite for more exotic fare. Those in the know chalk it up to changing demographics, increased travel to far-flung destinations and more adventurous palates, especially among millennials. But are consumers looking to the produce department to satisfy their desire for exotic foods?

We asked readers on

Is demand for exotic produce growing in your store?

  • 42% A bit. I'll try something new every so often, but it's not a top seller.

  • 31% Yes. As my shoppers' palates change, so does my produce.

  • 15% No doubt. These days, exotic fruits and veggies make up the majority of my produce section.

  • 12% Not at all. My customers are traditionalists.

This week’s poll question: Are you planning to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday at your store? To answer, go to our homepage. The poll is in the lower right corner.

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