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Singer, Guay honoured by FCPC

Heads of Reinhart Foods and Pepsico receive lifetime achievement award

Two Canadian food industry veterans were honoured at Food and Consumer Products of Canada’s annual CEO Executive Conference this past weekend.

Tom Singer, president of Reinhart Foods, and Marc Guay, the retired president of Pepsico Foods Canada, were given FCPC’s Award of Distinction.

The award recognizes a person's contributions to FCPC and the consumer products manufacturing industry.

“Marc Guay and  Tom Singer are a testament to the incredible leadership we enjoy in Canadian manufacturing,” Nancy Croitoru, FCPC’s president and CEO, said in a statement.

“It is an honour for us this week to celebrate their hard work and many contributions to the consumer packaged goods industry,” she added.

Singer (centre in photo with Croitoru and Guay) joined his family’s business in 1976 and has been active within the food industry through Food and Consumer Products of Canada, where he was chair in 2004. Reinhart makes such brand names as Allen’s vinegar, Daltons baking products and Jaffa dates and raisins.

Guay joined Pepsco in 1986 as an account manager, then was appointed president of Frito Lay Canada in 2001 and PepsiCo Foods Canada in 2008. He retired in August. Guay was president of FCPC in 2007.

FCPC created the Award of Distinction five years ago. The association’s governance committee chooses the winners.

Past recipients include Tim Penner of Procter & Gamble, Lem James from Janes Family Foods and Fred Schaeffer of McCain Foods.

FCPC’s annual CEO conference was held over the weekend in Muskoka, Ont.

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