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Sustainability a top priority for seafood shoppers

New research shows that consumers around the world rank sustainability highest when buying seafood


Encouraging news for the world’s oceans: recent research shows consumers care more about sustainability than they do price or brand when shopping for seafood.

The independent research, commissioned by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and conducted by insights firm GlobeScan earlier this year, found that sustainability is a key driver in seafood purchases with 72% of those surveyed agreeing that in order to save the oceans, shoppers should only purchase consumer seafood from sustainable sources. And more than half (54%) of respondents said they would be willing to pay more for a certified sustainable seafood product.

More than two-thirds (68%) of survey respondents also said there is a need for brands and supermarkets to independently verify their sustainability claims, with 62% agreeing that by buying eco-labelled seafood they are helping to ensure plenty more fish for future generations.

According to MSC CEO Rupert Howes: “These insights demonstrate that seafood consumers are attuned to the need for sustainability and that they are prepared to change shopping habits to protect the oceans. Citizens feel empowered to vote for sustainability with their wallets.”

Touted by MSC as being the “largest ever” global analysis of attitudes to seafood consumption, more than 16,000 consumers in 21 countries, including Canada, took part in the survey.

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