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Topline: COVID safety measures as important as customer service

An Ipsos study measures potential COVID related switching behaviours and long-term market opportunities

Health and safety measures are top of mind with consumers as parts of the country start to relax COVID-19 restrictions, and they're looking to retailers ensure proper protocols have been put in place in store.

In fact, according to a new study by Ipsos, three in five Canadians now rate health and safety equally important as good customer service.

Conducted by: Ipsos as part of the Consumer Health & Safety Check-Up Syndicate.

Methodology: An online survey conducted between May 22 and 24 of more than 1,000 adults aged 18 to 74 in Canada.

Key findings:

  • 82% Canadians consider health and safety measures to be the most important factor when considering returning to a retailer

  • Four in five Canadians indicate they will delay returning to shopping once restrictions are lifted

  • 64% of Canadians say they will stop or temporarily stop shopping at a location that doesn’t take health and safety seriously

  • 28% do not trust any industries for their cleanliness and safety protocols

  • 69% feel companies are not exerting the greatest effort to keep customers healthy and safe

  • Baby Boomers are the most likely to stop shopping at a location (71%), while millennials (58%) and generation z (50%) are less likely to change behaviour based on health and safety concerns.

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