Two famous food scribes take up supermarket challenge
Who'd thunk that two revered food writers, who have seen the best (and worst) of food would be surprised by what's in their local supermarket?
That's exactly what happened when prominent activist/author Michael Pollan and Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Michael Moss were challenged by a New York Times dining columnist to put together a healthy lunch using ingredients found at any supermarket.
It's a light look at how two leading food voices on the scene approach food, and cooking.
For his part, Pollan says it's about embracing cooking and having patience in this fast-food, convenience-driven environment.
His new book Cooked is devoted to some of the slowest dishes of all such as Southern barbecue and kimchi, a Korean sidedish of pickled nappa cabbage.
Moss meanwhile, demonstrates how to make a healthy pizza using pre-made dough from the supermarket in less than 45 minutes.
To read more go here.