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Where are they now? Generation Next winner Ransom Hawley

We caught up with formers winners to find out what they've been up to since winning the award

Since 2011, Canadian Grocer’s Generation Next awards have been celebrating up-and-coming leaders (under 40) who are shaping the future of Canada’s grocery industry.

Wondering “where are they now?” we checked in with a few past winners to see how their careers have been shaping up since winning their Gen Next awards, and we'll be sharing these updates with you over the next couple weeks. Up next ...

2016 winner


What’s changed since you won the Generation Next Award?
Caddle has grown into Canada's largest daily active consumer research panel working with almost every CPG, and starting to make inroads with Canada's largest grocery retailers.

How has Caddle evolved since you won the award?
Caddle has focused our growth in research and collecting consumer data faster than any other platform in Canada. We've also hired seasoned research experts and data scientists to expand our capabilities into things like longitudinal research and Usage & Attitude. Most recently, thanks to COVID, we've also accelerated our Ratings & Reviews capabilities to help our clients quickly improve their e-commerce presence and ranking.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
You don't have to have all the answers. Surround yourself with people that fill gaps in your skillset, are smarter than you, and have the wisdom only experience brings.

Are there any tough lessons you learned along the way?
Fire faster. Every time there hasn't been a great fit, we've waited too long and the result was the same. If you're getting those spidey sense feelings, rip off the bandaid quickly.

What keeps you motivated?
I started Caddle before my wife and I had kids, and now we have two! Building something that my kids will be proud of has given me new energy and drive.

People would be surprised to know that I
Just before starting Caddle, I asked for a sign to quit my day job. I then watched an Apple documentary on Netflix and two days later Steve Wozniak was on my plane from Chicago to Buffalo. Our baggage was delayed so naturally I went to talk to him--the only reason I recognized him was because of the documentary I just watched. I told him about Caddle and he told me to quit my job and do it. Can't say no to the Woz!

Do you know a rising star in the grocery industry? Nominate them for this year’s Generation Next Awards. It’s quick and easy, but don’t delay! The deadline to enter/nominate is Sept. 30. 

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