People who grow zucchini often end up giving away the nutritious, versatile squash by the bagful because it grows so plentifully. It is very low in calories–only about 16 calories per 100 grams. Health-wise, zucchini has antioxidant properties, is a good source of potassium, vitamins A and C and a moderate source of other vitamins and minerals. Choose zucchini with shiny, bright green skin that is firm and heavy in hand. Minor superficial scratches and mild bruises on the skin are common and perfectly fine. But avoid those with a spongy texture or soft and wrinkled ends, which indicate old, moistureless stock. There are several communities in the United States and at least one in Canada–Millbrook, near Peterborough, Ont.–which hold annual zucchini festivals. The world's largest recorded zucchini, grown in England, was 1.7 metres (69.5 inches) long, and weighed 29.5 kilograms (65 pounds).