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2024 Star Women in Grocery Award Winner Nathalie Coutayar (Q&A)

Shining-Level Star
2024 star women
Nathalie Coutayar

Nathalie Coutayar

Merchandising & Marketing Senior Manager
R. Denninger Limited

How did you get your start in the grocery business?

As an international business student. In the first year of my master’s in business administration program in Bordeaux, France, I had to do an internship abroad. At this time, I wanted to follow my friends and spend my summer in Barcelona; however, my father—who had a dried fruit business in France—chose to send me to one of his customers in Canada to improve my English. The customer was Denninger's! After my five years of study, and with work experience in France, Spain and Mexico, I kept working every summer at Denninger's, mentored by Belinda Murray [a Denninger family member] and I moved to Canada upon graduating. During my schooling, I also had the opportunity to attend international food shows following Belinda’s footsteps and learning about the industry and the art of purchasing. 

What keeps you passionate about your work?

The passion is based on my cultural background. In France we have a culture of food and pleasure, which to this day animates me. Our industry always has something new to offer or discover from a new product, new trend, new flavours that keeps the industry interesting. Also, as generic as it sounds, meeting people and connecting with them, food does bring people together.  

What is a career challenge you've faced and how did you overcome it?

After graduating, I was offered an opportunity to be a head buyer for Denninger's. Leaving behind my family and friends in France and starting a career as a young person [in an industry] where women, at the time, were a minority [was a challenge]. When you are thrown into a challenge you sink or swim ... I overcame it with long hours and dedication, along with the help of the Denninger Family (member and associates) and people in the industry who trusted me and mentored me along the way 

What is the best advice you've received in your career?

I think one of the best pieces of advice has always been “lead by example,” my father always said, "if you don't know how to do it, how can you expect others to do it well!" It's also one of the traits of the Denninger family. 

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

Outside of work I like to enjoy time with my family and friends with good food and wine. One of my favourite things is travelling and exploring 

What is a fun fact about you?

I'm fortunate to have travelled to 16 countries, so far, thanks to my career choice. And I speak four languages. 

Anything else you'd like to add?

I'm very honoured to receive an award as a Star Woman in the industry; it marks an important milestone in my career.

Click here for the full list of 2024 Star Women in Grocery award winners.

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