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Check this out: A self-driving convenience store

Robomart will deliver produce and baked goods to a shopper's door

As consumers continue to look for easy and convenient ways to grocery shop, and grocers look for ways to reduce overhead costs, startups continue to look for ways to deliver solutions.

Take, for example, Santa Clara, California-based startup Robomart -- the latest company to build a fleet of on-demand, self-driving stores that will bring produce, baked goods and prepared foods to consumers' doorsteps.

READ: 3 innovations that could disrupt grocery shopping

Once Robomart arrives at the desired location, the doors unlock and consumers can shop for the items they need. Robomart keeps tracks of the items that have been shopped and will bill the customer accordingly.

The first prototype has been built and the company is looking to partner with grocery retailers in the San Francisco Bay area for beta testing. On its website, Robomart says the service would cost a fraction of running and staffing home delivery, and participating in a pilot project would allow grocers to "expand their store footprint at low coast with no initial capital expenditure."

Robomart isn't the only company working to bring an autonomous grocery store concept to market. Moby Mart -- a staff-less, self-driving, 24-hour supermarket that can be summoned through a mobile app -- is up and running in Shanghai and is stocked with milk and lunch items.

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