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Dairy Farmers reminds Canadians to milk every moment

Strategic Milk Alliance moves from nostalgia to food with new campaign

Canadian dairy producers have launched another heartfelt campaign: This time it’s to remind consumers how well milk goes with some of their favourite foods, at any age.

The campaign from the Strategic Milk Alliance, a joint venture representing dairy producer organizations across English-speaking Canada, shows people drinking milk with birthday cake, cookies and at lunch over the course of their lifetime. The tagline is, “Not everything has to change.”

The campaign is meant to stir emotion among all milk drinkers, but is targeted to mothers, a demographic more likely to buy the family’s groceries.

Jason Brandes, market development director, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, said the campaign is an evolution of the “Milk Every Moment” campaign launched in 2013. That campaign showed preschoolers doing silly things like sticking a sandwich in a VCR, wearing dish gloves as socks and trying to play fetch with a pet rabbit. It was followed by the tagline, “Not everything we did when were kids made sense, but drinking milk did, and it still does.”

“Our first approach was more about re-establishing that emotional and pleasurable connection with milk,” said Brandes. “In this latest campaign, we are focusing less on nostalgia and more on milk pairings with favourite foods.”

The new campaign, developed in partnership with DDB Canada, includes four spots airing on television and digital platforms, as well as social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The campaign also includes a redesigned website,, where users can find recipes for cookies and desserts that traditionally go well with milk.

While some brands are moving away from TV, Brandes said the medium remains a priority for their staple consumer product.

“What we’ve always tried to do is resonate with our target audience on an emotional level,” said Brandes.” We feel that TV is the definitely the best medium for accomplishing that. With milk, the whole ability for us to tell a story on TV is very powerful.”

He said TV also allows the brand to speak to the female parent through placement on everything from sitcoms to cooking shows across both traditional and specialty networks.

The campaign launched on Sept. 14 and runs until the end of the 2016.

The Strategic Milk Alliance partnership includes the BC Dairy Association, Alberta Milk, SaskMilk, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba and Dairy Farmers of Canada.

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