High Liner donates $250K to Nova Scotia health services charity
Who: High Liner Foods Incorporated
What: The frozen seafood company is donating $250,000 to The Health Services Foundation of the South Shore.
Funds will support the foundation’s Brighter Days Capital Campaign for the redevelopment of the South Shore Regional Hospital in Nova Scotia.
The donation was presented to hospital and Brighter Days senior volunteer leadership committee members during a cheque presentation held at the High Liner Foods Lunenburg facility on September 8.
High Liner's donation will be allocated to the hospital's Dialysis Unit.
"The High Liner Foods business was born here in Nova Scotia over a century ago and we believe strongly in the importance of creating a positive impact in the communities in which we operate," said Paul Jewer, president and CEO High Liner Foods, in a release. "The Regional Hospital plays a critical role in the lives of our community members, and we are proud to support the expansion and redevelopment of the South Shore Regional Hospital to continue to help families across the province."