Kraft Singles plays on cravings
Kraft Singles is employing a little reverse psychology in an effort to titillate Canadian taste buds.
“Orange Square,” which carries the tagline “A craving is a powerful thing” utilizes the product’s iconic orange colour and square shape as the jumping off point. Developed by Toronto-based shop Union, the online campaign consists of one 30-second and two 15-second digital pre-roll spots.
Each ad begins with an orange square pictured against a blue background. “Do not look at this orange square,” says a narrator in one of the spots. “If you have ever craved a grilled cheese made with Kraft Singles, look away, or you’ll start imagining a Kraft Single melting into the warm embrace of pillowy toasted bread.” Accompanied by the sounds of sizzling, the square morphs into the melty, comfort-food staple sitting atop a burger, or placed between two pieces of bread.
According to Lance Martin, partner and executive creative director at Union, the spots are simply a fun way to remind people of their “latent love for Kraft Singles.”
“We were thinking about how iconic Kraft Singles are to Canadians…and then we actually just put an orange square on a blue background and held it up, and people were like ‘that’s a Kraft Single,’ Martin said.
“We thought, that’s an amazing insight that just the shape of this product is iconic enough to make people think of grilled cheese sandwiches and of barbequing burgers and watching
“Orange Square” launched in English Canada on May 11 and runs through the August long weekend. Union worked with its Montreal office on adaptation for the Quebec market, where the campaign is slated to run until Labour Day.
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