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Passion for community has Canadians shopping at small retailers

Amex survey shows that Canadians believe it's important to support small independent retailers

Our lives revolve around food. We nourish our bodies with it, but we also celebrate, entertain and express gratitude and affection with it.  With the popularity of farmers’ markets, independent grocers and local butchers at an all-time high, it’s clear the trend towards shopping at independent shops is increasingly trendy among Canadian consumers.

To better understand how Canadians feel about small businesses, American Express Canada recently conducted a national survey, the American Express Shop Small Monitor. The survey found that 94% of Canadians believe that it is important to support small retailers, restaurants or businesses.

The survey also revealed 88% of Canadians admit to feeling good when they choose to shop at a small business.

Here are a few reasons why consumers choose to purchase their food locally:

Personal relationships with store owners. When we shop for local foods, we get the satisfaction of knowing that we are contributing to our local communities and economies. Eighty per cent of respondents said that they like to establish relationships with local store owners.

Contribution to local neighbourhood.  Deciding where to live is a tough choice for many Canadians taking the leap into homeownership. They indicate that an active neighbourhood shopping district is a primary factor for where they choose to live. In fact, 81% of respondents feel they owe it to their community to support the independent small business on their local main street, and 92% of respondents agree that their local small businesses contribute to their neighborhood’s culture.

Unique products and services. Having quality products are essential for customer service and will have them returning to your shop with their business time and time again.  The Shop Small Monitor found that 68% of Canadians agree that they shop small for unique products and services.

Taking these consumer sentiments into consideration will be helpful when looking for ways to build and expand your customer base in your store’s neighbourhood.

The way consumers view and rely on their local establishments is an important insight to harnessing long-term loyalty.

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