Blame Canada: Washington to buy blueberries amid price drop Low loonie is giving Canadian producers an advantage selling in America Fresh St. unveils refrigerated locker pickup for online customers B.C. Big apple chill: cold snap could nip fruit in bud Farmers assess damage this week with another round of plummeting temperatures looming How do Canadian grocers feel about GMO produce? Longos doesn’t carry GMO produce and “has no plans” to sell them Feds approves GMO potato with less browning Non-browning spuds could be in supermarkets by Thanksgiving Manitoba farmers stage protest Farmers worry Hydro contractor's auger will contaminate farmland Farmers want Ottawa to let them hire more foreign workers There are just not enough farm boys left to do the job, ag prez says How are food box subscription companies avoiding high produce prices? Fresh City Farms and SPUD bypass high prices by having a local focus High produce prices push inflation Data shows that lettuce prices last month were 18% higher than the year before New products and emboldened retail channels highlight Fruit Logistica 2016 Consumption of produce around the world continues to be very favourable First Previous 24 25 26 27 28 Next Last