Reinhart Foods ventures into alcohol
Reinhart Foods – the maker of vinegar, baking products and candied fruit – is making its foray into the alochol market with the launch of Reinhart’s Red Apple Light Cider.
The cider will be sold in 473 mL cans for $3.20 each at the LCBO and select grocery stores retailers across Ontario. The company says it is free of artificial flavours and colours, and contains only 3.8% alcohol.
"Consumers are looking for natural ingredients and lighter beverage options,” said general manager Scott Singer, in a press release announcing the launch. “We believe that its crisp flavour and pure ingredients, coupled with its small-town care, will be what draws consumers."
Reinhart Foods isn’t the only food company venturing into the cider market. Last month Sun-Rype Products, the B.C.-based maker of juice and fruit snacks, introduced SunRype Cider. The 5.5% alcohol cider is available at select private liquor stores in B.C. and Alberta.
Canadian cider sales have been surging in recent years. For example, Ontario’s LCBO reported last summer that craft cider sales had increased 54% from the year previous.
Euromonitor reported national sales of $356 million in 2015, and cider seems particularly popular in B.C. with the B.C. Liquor Distribution Brand reporting sales of $74.5 million in 2015.