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Show me the inside


With hundreds of items fighting for attention, how does a great produce team get me, the shopper, to stop and take a second look?

Show me the inside…that is how.

When you think about it, doesn’t the inside of so many fruit and vegetables look so intriguing?

Let the shopper peek inside.

Ottawa's Farm Boy had split several melons, covered them in plastic wrap, and put them on display.

I loved this because it gave me an idea of what I could expect when I got home.

Loblaw had done the same but they used a black magic marker to write SAMPLE on it.

I would have gone one step further and added the name of the melon on the wrap and maybe a one word description, i.e. sweet, juicy, etc.

Recently I was in a Vancouver Thrifty Foods' store with a New Zealand apple grower who was very keen to show the shopper how the Envy apple (a relatively new apple on the market) doesn’t brown.

He sliced it in half and we left it on the plate for the four hours we were in the store.

The reaction to this from moms was astonishing (you mean it doesn’t brown–really? Where can I buy this apple? My child refuses to eat the apple when it starts to change colour.)

So go ahead, and show the inside–it just may encourage an extra purchase.

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