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Walmart, PC Optimum make Ipsos Most Influential Brands in Canada list

Market research firm says the ability to communicate empathy is helping to determine brand influence

Amazon, Walmart and PC Optimum once again made Ipsos’s list of the top ten Most Influential Brands in Canada.

The annual study, now in its 12th year, analyzes more than 100 brands across 19 categories.

Amazon maintained its number two position, while Walmart jumped to number six – a four-point increase – and PC Optimum landed at number eight (up one point). 

For this year’s study, Ipsos study polled a representative sample of over 6,700 Canadians. Survey findings were analyzed by region, gender and generation, encompassing boomers, gen X, millennials and gen Z.  

Ipsos identified the key dimensions that consistently determine brand influence – trustworthiness, engagement, leading edge, corporate citizenship and presence – in addition to two new dimensions, empathy and utility. 

Walmart’s increase, for one, signals the budget retailer’s appeal in a recessionary climate, Ipsos said. 

In 2022, inflation was a cross-generational issue – so brands like Walmart and PC Optimum that communicated empathy and value performed well, Ipsos noted. 

PC Optimum ranks second among boomers, but thanks to fresh and engaging campaigns, the brand made it into the top 10 for three out of four generations.  


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