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Born in B.C., a new apple on the block


On Saturday, October 13 at the annual Apple Festival at UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research, Canada’s newest apple was introduced– more than 25 years in the making!

Just a few years ago back, this was just another obscure apple with a special coded number but after much planting, testing and tasting it passed with flying colours. Not only did it get a name – Salish, but it got a PLU – 4201.

Vancouver’s Granger Grocer supports its local growers; it’s a small store best described as a mixture of convenience, grocer, restaurant and social centre. When I stopped in there recently, I saw that they had Salish apples. I grabbed a few because I was curious to find out more about them after hearing about them from a friend at the festival.

Like me, a lot of people get very excited when they’re able to stop at their local apple harvest and find out what is being offered. It’s a great way to help increase sales at the local grocery because it reminds people how fabulous apples can be.

The verdict? The apple had a nice weight, not to heavy, and it was well-rounded. I loved the sticker on it: “Born in BC, Canada.” It has a sweet taste with a tart ending; and it smelled like pumpkin or squash. Overall this Apple thumbs-up as everybody who tried it seemed to enjoy it.

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