General Mills to slash up to 725 jobs Cheerios-maker hopes to offset sluggish sales Analyst predicts Dollarama will buy Latin American partner BMO analyst suggests Dollarama could roll out model throughout Columbia and Peru President's Choice and Save-On-Foods among brands Canadians trust most Canadians more likely to trust homegrown brands Sobeys to rebrand Co-op Atlantic stores Transaction approved by Competition Bureau earlier this month Ahold, Delhaize to merge New company would serve more than 50 million customers a week Has Whole Foods been intentionally overcharging customers? Mislabelled weights found on 80 different pre-packaged products Facebook worth more than Walmart Retailer no longer in top 10 list of highest-valued companies Should grocers focus on moms or men? Nearly half of dads have primary or shared grocery shopping responsibility Understanding ethnic customers The surprising shopping and eating habits of your South Asian and Chinese customers Get a juice boost with a kale kit Freshline Foods launches new line of juicing kits featuring fresh produce First Previous 357 358 359 360 361 Next Last