5/30/2024 Mintel’s Joel Gregoire on the power of food to unite
12/29/2023 Mintel’s Joel Gregoire on seizing the AI opportunity
10/4/2023 Mintel’s Joel Gregoire on the food-climate connection
6/28/2023 Mintel’s Joel Gregoire on using tiered brand offerings to woo value shoppers
5/23/2023 How might artificial intelligence impact our relationship with food and beverages?
12/28/2022 Initiatives aimed at helping consumers cope need to be rooted in understanding in terms of the impact rising food prices have on consumers’ lives
10/11/2022 Brands must have a strategy when it comes to sustainability operations and messaging
7/18/2022 As the pandemic’s impact wanes, competing with foodservice will again become critical
4/4/2022 As food prices climb, grocers that help shoppers stretch budgets will be particularly relevant this year
1/10/2022 With the lines between dining in and dining out continuing to blur, there’s a growing appetite for higher quality frozen meals
10/12/2021 With the work-from-home trend likely to continue post-pandemic, grocers and restaurants alike will
need to adapt to the new reality
6/28/2021 In unpredictable times, Canadians are focused on looking after their health