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Shreddies seeks Canadian do-gooders

Winner of "Search for Goodness" contest will appear in TV spot

For the third year, Shreddies is celebrating Canadians who make a difference in their communities.

The “Search for Goodness” campaign invites people to submit nominations to Canadians can vote for their favourite story and the top 10 will make the shortlist. A judging panel will choose the winner, who will be featured in a national TV campaign for the Post Foods-owned cereal brand.

“We believe Canada is full of people striving to do good,” said David Bagozzi, director of marketing at Post Foods Canada. “We want to recognize them and help make a difference for those who are making a difference in our communities.”

The link to the brand is that Shreddies provides wholesome goodness with 100% whole wheat. “ start your day off with a good breakfast,” said Bagozzi. “We believe we should be celebrating those shared values.”

Shreddies launched the campaign in 2013 with a TV spot that featured Greg Epp from Saskatoon, a volunteer who gets up every winter morning to maintain the local outdoor hockey rink.

For the 2014 campaign, Shreddies introduced the contest component. Sisters Julia and Emma Mogus from Oakville, Ont. were selected for their efforts in collecting and distributing books to youth in remote communities in Northern Ontario.

Last year’s contest garnered 80 nominations and 1,700 votes. “We believe it’s a compelling story— is what grounds us as Canadians,” said Bagozzi. “We’re definitely very humble but proud, and those are core values to Post Cereal and Shreddies.”

The contest is being promoted with a 15-second TV spot and digital ads by Grey. Media Profile is handling public relations and Mediavest is handling the media buy.

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