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What's the most talked-about treat this Halloween on social media?

According to an article on Yahoo, it's M&M's candy. Social media monitoring firm Viralheat found that Halloween candy has been a popular topic on Twitter this past week with almost 65,000 mentions.

Second to M&M's is Skittles, followed by Snickers, Twix and Reese's.

Snickers had the most positive comments with 68 per cent of people saying good things about it, notes a Yahoo blogger,. Twix, meanwhile, had the most negative comments.

If social media is any indication of what happens at the tills, Mars, the maker of M&M's, Snickers, Skittles and Twix are in for a boost in sales.

Last year, the article noted that showed that Canadians spent $80 million more on candy in October than is usually spent in an average month.

Check out this infographic from Viralheat about the most talked about candy on social media.

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