Another new Coke: Coca-Cola cutting sweetness in Canada Soda maker also plans to bring smaller bottles to store shelves Amazon pulls diaper line from virtual shelves Says customer feedback has prompted them to make design changes NRF impresses retailers with latest technologies Mobile, online and data trend at National Retail Federation show in New York Target: Biting off more than you can chew Could Target have done things different? Shrinking cans mean growing profits Coke and Pepsi are pushing smaller cans and bottles that contain fewer calories Food trends of 2015 Veggies as the main, fermented foods, mangoes and local grains predicted to be hot this year Amazon wins big with Coke and Pepsi launches Amazon makes customers an offer they can refuse Make an Offer program allows customers to haggle with third-party sellers Walmart Canada gets in the kitchen with Pressure Cooker New show features Great Value-branded pantry filled with food from the brand Greening the grocery fleet Canadian Grocer and Kruger's third annual sustainability roundtable looks at how logistics can help the planet breathe easier First Previous 56 57 58 59 60 Next Last